- I can't stand for a cabinet door to be open. Terrell leaves them open on purpose to tick me off. He apparently gets a big kick out of watching me shut them.
- I love Rachael Ray...I wish I could cook like her...but I really don't think that will ever happen. We're not in any danger of starving but I'm no gourmet chef :(
- I have to sleep with the overhead fan on, a tower fan, a sound machine, and JP's monitor. I wasn't always like that but people change...
- I got a Clarisonic MD for Christmas this year (the face scrubber as seen on Oprah that promises to make you look 10 years younger...it seems to be working and soon I hope my body returns to what it looked like 10 years ago!) :)
- I wish I could go on American Idol...but I don't think Simon would let me through to Hollywood ;(
- I love music of any kind but I REALLY love Johnny Cash :)
- I count my steps...weird, isn't it?? I've done it for as long as I can remember...
To all of the 8 people that read this blog...please pray that my poor, sweet, cute baby doesn't inherit all of my weird tendencies...I think that it might be too late, though. He already uses his cloth diapers to "dust" the coffee table off. Maybe me posting this will make others realize we've all got issues...some of us just cover them up better than others :)
I don't know who to tag...so if you read this and you have a blog...you're tagged!
As your former roommate, I knew about #3 minus JP's monitor...it sounded like a tornado in our room...and I liked it too! Love and miss you.
I can't believe you count your steps! :) And I wish you were on American Idol!
LOL yeah I don't have a blog....more pics...more pics....more pics!!!!!!
happy birthday!!
Come on Leah...you've had a birthday party and a wedding to blog about! Your fans are tired of waiting.
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